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Median Household Income: American Indian/Alaskan Native

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Median Household Income: American Indian/Alaskan Native

Measurement Period: 2024
Data Source: Claritas
November 23,

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$0 - $30,000
$30,000 - $50,000
$50,000 - $67,500
$67,500 - $93,750
$0 - $23,750
$23,750 - $46,250
$46,250 - $75,000
$75,000 - $137,500
$137,500 - $200,001
Countysort column Dollarssort column
St. Louis $44,609
St. Louis City $36,136
Regionsort column Dollarssort column
Central $60,635
Inner North $47,465
Outer North $47,684
South $47,409
West $62,055
Zip Codesort column Dollarssort column
63005 $25,000
63011 $45,000
63017 $41,429
63021 $67,500
63025 $93,750
63026 $82,500
63031 $53,125
63033 $41,429
63034 $50,000
63038 $47,500
63040 $83,333
63042 $46,786
63043 $38,214
63044 $37,813
63045 $0
63049 $87,500
63069 $22,500
63074 $47,000
63088 $75,000
63101 $37,500
63102 $14,999
63103 $23,333
63104 $40,000
63105 $56,250
63106 $30,000
63107 $45,000
63108 $39,500
63109 $22,500
63110 $42,500
63111 $36,250
63112 $42,500
63113 $23,750
63114 $40,625
63115 $38,750
63116 $36,667
63117 $42,500
63118 $23,438
63119 $55,357
63120 $87,500
63121 $44,167
63122 $58,333
63123 $57,292
63124 $22,500
63125 $38,462
63126 $42,500
63127 $45,000
63128 $30,000
63129 $47,000
63130 $66,071
63131 $42,500
63132 $62,500
63133 $62,500
63134 $39,500
63135 $22,778
63136 $35,000
63137 $58,333
63138 $40,455
63139 $53,571
63140 $14,999
63141 $41,250
63143 $36,875
63144 $42,500
63145 $0
63146 $46,250
63147 $32,500
Census Tractsort column Dollarssort column
29189210101 $14,999
29189210102 $41,563
29189210200 $30,000
29189210300 $62,500
29189210400 $50,000
29189210501 $137,500
29189210502 $42,500
29189210600 $62,500
29189210702 $30,000
29189210703 $46,250
29189210704 $30,000
29189210803 $22,500
29189210805 $20,000
29189210806 $30,000
29189210807 $35,000
29189210808 $30,000
29189210912 $200,001
29189210921 $0
29189210923 $20,000
29189210924 $200,001
29189210925 $30,000
29189210926 $0
29189210927 $50,000
29189210928 $50,000
29189211001 $62,500
29189211002 $42,500
29189211101 $54,167
29189211102 $50,000
29189211201 $81,250
29189211202 $38,750
29189211301 $62,500
29189211331 $75,000
29189211332 $46,250
29189211333 $42,500
29189211334 $75,000
29189211401 $42,500
29189211402 $68,750
29189211500 $42,500
29189211600 $37,500
29189211700 $42,500
29189211801 $42,500
29189211802 $68,750
29189211900 $87,500
29189212002 $15,000
29189212003 $0
29189212004 $25,000
29189212101 $30,000
29189212102 $20,000
29189212201 $42,500
29189212202 $0
29189212300 $62,500
29189212400 $20,000
29189212500 $20,000
29189212600 $87,500
29189212701 $21,250
29189212702 $0
29189213102 $20,000
29189213103 $45,000
29189213104 $0
29189213202 $30,000
29189213203 $42,500
29189213204 $30,000
29189213301 $87,500
29189213302 $44,375
29189213401 $43,438
29189213402 $20,000
29189213500 $46,250
29189213600 $42,500
29189213701 $0
29189213702 $62,500
29189213800 $40,000
29189213900 $42,500
29189214100 $0
29189214200 $175,000
29189214300 $42,500
29189214400 $35,000
29189214500 $41,000
29189214601 $85,000
29189214602 $41,000
29189214700 $38,750
29189214800 $53,125
29189214901 $50,000
29189214902 $21,250
29189215001 $68,750
29189215003 $30,000
29189215004 $42,500
29189215005 $62,500
29189215102 $66,667
29189215103 $14,999
29189215105 $25,000
29189215141 $20,000
29189215143 $30,000
29189215144 $25,000
29189215145 $50,000
29189215146 $100,000
29189215201 $30,000
29189215231 $62,500
29189215233 $62,500
29189215234 $0
29189215235 $42,500
29189215236 $200,001
29189215301 $38,750
29189215302 $20,000
29189215400 $22,500
29189215500 $200,001
29189215600 $42,500
29189215700 $56,250
29189215801 $0
29189215802 $14,999
29189215803 $0
29189215901 $62,500
29189215902 $30,000
29189216000 $62,500
29189216101 $87,500
29189216102 $0
29189216201 $112,500
29189216202 $200,000
29189216300 $25,000
29189216401 $137,500
29189216402 $112,500
29189216500 $62,500
29189216600 $0
29189216700 $20,000
29189216800 $57,500
29189216900 $14,999
29189217000 $30,000
29189217200 $40,000
29189217300 $37,500
29189217400 $50,000
29189217500 $14,999
29189217600 $45,000
29189217701 $46,250
29189217702 $38,750
29189217802 $62,500
29189217806 $14,999
29189217807 $42,500
29189217841 $0
29189217851 $55,000
29189217852 $175,000
29189217853 $25,000
29189217854 $37,500
29189217921 $30,000
29189217923 $70,833
29189217931 $125,000
29189217932 $30,000
29189217941 $187,500
29189217942 $14,999
29189217943 $112,500
29189217944 $42,500
29189218012 $42,500
29189218013 $30,000
29189218014 $112,500
29189218015 $87,500
29189218016 $37,500
29189218102 $0
29189218104 $30,000
29189218105 $87,500
29189218201 $14,999
29189218300 $0
29189218401 $137,500
29189218402 $35,000
29189218500 $42,500
29189218600 $32,500
29189218800 $62,500
29189218901 $15,000
29189218902 $62,500
29189219100 $87,500
29189219200 $0
29189219300 $0
29189219400 $62,500
29189219501 $62,500
29189219502 $0
29189219601 $62,500
29189219602 $45,000
29189219700 $66,071
29189219801 $50,000
29189219802 $50,000
29189219900 $42,500
29189220001 $91,667
29189220002 $30,000
29189220101 $68,750
29189220102 $68,750
29189220200 $30,000
29189220300 $42,500
29189220441 $46,250
29189220442 $37,500
29189220443 $38,750
29189220445 $42,500
29189220446 $87,500
29189220447 $50,000
29189220448 $50,000
29189220449 $46,250
29189220450 $42,500
29189220451 $62,500
29189220452 $62,500
29189220501 $14,999
29189220503 $14,999
29189220504 $42,500
29189220601 $50,000
29189220602 $62,500
29189220701 $100,000
29189220702 $55,000
29189220703 $22,500
29189220801 $0
29189220802 $42,500
29189220803 $0
29189221000 $62,500
29189221100 $200,001
29189221201 $87,500
29189221202 $32,500
29189221332 $30,000
29189221335 $0
29189221336 $38,750
29189221337 $81,250
29189221338 $30,000
29189221339 $15,000
29189221421 $62,500
29189221423 $0
29189221424 $30,000
29189221425 $0
29189221426 $200,000
29189221502 $62,500
29189221503 $62,500
29189221506 $87,500
29189221621 $30,000
29189221624 $62,500
29189221625 $25,000
29189221626 $87,500
29189221627 $42,500
29189221629 $14,999
29189221630 $87,500
29189221631 $42,500
29189221800 $14,999
29189221900 $87,500
29189222000 $62,500
29189222100 $75,000
29510101100 $62,500
29510101200 $50,000
29510101300 $30,000
29510101400 $92,500
29510101500 $14,999
29510101800 $80,000
29510102100 $20,000
29510102200 $14,999
29510102300 $200,000
29510102400 $58,333
29510102500 $175,000
29510103100 $62,500
29510103400 $25,000
29510103600 $20,000
29510103700 $37,500
29510103800 $0
29510104200 $56,250
29510104500 $58,333
29510105198 $14,999
29510105200 $87,500
29510105300 $30,000
29510105400 $32,500
29510105500 $40,000
29510106100 $0
29510106200 $0
29510106300 $0
29510106400 $87,500
29510106500 $56,250
29510106600 $0
29510106700 $15,000
29510107200 $0
29510107300 $15,000
29510107400 $87,500
29510107500 $100,000
29510107600 $42,500
29510108100 $87,500
29510108200 $42,500
29510108300 $25,000
29510109600 $45,000
29510109700 $42,500
29510110100 $20,000
29510110200 $112,500
29510110300 $0
29510110400 $45,000
29510110500 $87,500
29510111100 $20,000
29510111200 $37,500
29510111300 $14,999
29510112100 $46,250
29510112200 $21,667
29510112300 $87,500
29510112400 $82,500
29510113500 $37,500
29510114101 $20,000
29510114102 $14,999
29510114200 $56,250
29510114300 $42,500
29510115100 $20,000
29510115200 $42,500
29510115300 $36,875
29510115400 $62,500
29510115500 $30,000
29510115600 $46,250
29510115700 $56,250
29510116100 $17,500
29510116200 $20,000
29510116301 $20,000
29510116302 $131,250
29510116400 $21,250
29510116500 $14,999
29510117100 $30,000
29510117200 $112,500
29510117400 $25,000
29510118100 $50,000
29510118600 $56,250
29510119101 $20,000
29510119102 $46,250
29510119200 $30,000
29510119300 $32,500
29510120200 $20,000
29510121200 $62,500
29510123100 $25,000
29510123200 $20,000
29510123300 $50,000
29510124100 $30,000
29510124200 $46,250
29510124300 $17,500
29510124600 $22,500
29510125500 $87,500
29510125600 $14,999
29510125700 $0
29510126600 $20,000
29510126700 $62,500
29510126800 $112,500
29510126900 $20,000
29510127000 $35,000
29510127100 $23,750
29510127200 $50,000
29510127300 $27,500
29510127400 $30,000
29510127500 $15,000
29510127600 $100,000
29510127700 $62,500
29510127800 $14,999

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Demographics information provided by Claritas, updated April 2024, under these terms of use.